About me

About me

My name is Petra Theiner.

Born on 21st October 1971
Living in Prad am Stilfserjoch
Life partner: Christian Zischg
Little son Niclas born on 20th January 2009

Since 2003 I have been in Calcutta and North East India every year for several months to help poor people. I manage several projects there.

My father died when I was 4 years old, this shaped me very much. I had a tough childhood . My mother was left with 3 little children at the age of 3,4 and 5 years. At this time she managed a little mountain inn and we had a lot of debts. Many neighbours and nice people helped us to cope with this stroke of fate. I always wanted to give something back to those who are disadvantaged in life and fall through the social net. In 2003 I took part in a lecture about the house in which Mother Teresa died and the street kids of Calcutta. I instantly knew I had to go there. After 3 weeks I was alone in the hell of Calcutta. Since then, every year for several months I have gone to Calcutta and North East India to help the poorest of the poor.

Already since my first stay my life partner and I have organized lectures in whole South Tyrol to collect money for these projects. With the help of South Tyrol we can take care of thousands of street kids.

The project also supports Romania and Namibia.